Monthly Archives: March 2018

The Empire of Ashes – US Cover Reveal



I’m delighted to reveal the US cover for The Empire of Ashes, the third and final volume in The Draconis Memoria.

Thanks to Leesha Hannigan for the spectacular illustration and to the graphics team at Ace/Roc for the cover design. You can see more of Leesha’s work on her website (hint: she likes dragons, a lot).

The Empire of Ashes is released on July 3rd, 2018. Check back soon for a sample chapter and the reveal of the UK cover.

Pre-order the e-book here:  –  –  Nook  –  iBooks

Pre-order the hardcover here:  –  Barnes & Noble  –  Indiebound

Author Event with Bradley Beaulieu – Waterstones in Nottingham, April 4th

Anyone who’d like me to sign a book or wants to hear two fantasists talk about writing should come along to Waterstones Bookshop in Nottingham on April 4th, time: 1830. Admission is £3, tickets can be bought here:

Bradley Beaulieu is the author of the highly acclaimed Song of Shattered Sands series which began with Twelve Kings in Sharakai. The third volume, A Veil of Spears, is released in the UK on 22nd March. Check out Bradley’s website for more details:


In other news, many thanks to Dakota Cannell for creating a Draconis Memoria wiki. Go here to check it out and contribute if you’re so minded: